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In Rust, "reference" is more like a safe pointer to the value. You need to de-reference it to assess the value, although sometimes the de-referencing is automatically done.

In Mojo, "reference" is not a type (a safe pointer) as is in Rust, but is more like the reference in C++. A reference refers to the same value but with a different name. In another word, it is an alias. It is therefore, sharing the same behaviors of the value it refers to. No de-referencing is needed to get access to the value. For example, if you pass a: Int into function fn copyit(read some: Int), then some is an immutable reference (alias) of a and behave exactly as a. The code b = some.copy() within the function would call a's copy() method.

If you want to use Rust's reference, e.g., &, in Mojo, you should use the type Pointer, which is a safe pointer that will not null or dangling. You need to deference it to get access the value. For example, a iterator over the List type would returns, in each step, a pointer to one of the elements of List. To print the value, you have to first dereference the pointer with [].

def main():
    for i in List[Int](1, 2, 3, 4):
        # i is of the type Pointer[Int]
        print(i[])  # [] is the de-referencing operator


Here is the same example we used in introducing the keyword mut for arguments of functions. It demonstrate how Mojo's "reference" works.

from memory import Pointer

fn changeit(mut a: Int8):
    a = 10
    print("Address of the argument `a`: ", String(Pointer.address_of(a)))

fn main():
    var x: Int8 = 5
    print("Value of the variable `x` before change: ", x)
    print("Address of the variable `x`: ", String(Pointer.address_of(x)))
    print("Value of the variable `x` after change: ", x)
    print("Address of the variable `x`: ", String(Pointer.address_of(x)))
Value of the variable `x` before change:  5
Address of the variable `x`:  0x16b6a8fb0
Address of the argument `a`:  0x16b6a8fb0
Value of the variable `x` after change:  10
Address of the variable `x`:  0x16b6a8fb0

Let's look into the code and see what has happened:

First, you create variable with the name x and type Int8 and assign value 5 to it. Mojo assigns a space in the memory, which is of 1-byte (8-bit) length at the address 16b6a8fb0. The value is 5, so it is stored as 00000100 (binary representation of an integer 5) at the address 16b6a8fb0. See the following illustration.

Value   │         │         │ 00000100│         │         │         │
Address │16b6a8fae│16b6a8faf│16b6a8fb0│16b6a8fb1│16b6a8fb2│16b6a8fb3│

                             x (Int8)

Next, you pass this value into the function changeit with the mut keyword. Mojo will then create a mutable reference of x, which is named as a . This reference a is an alias of x, pointing to the same address 16b6a8fb0. See the following illustration.

                             a (Int8): Mutable reference of x

Value   │         │         │ 00000100│         │         │         │
Address │16b6a8fae│16b6a8faf│16b6a8fb0│16b6a8fb1│16b6a8fb2│16b6a8fb3│

                             x (Int8)

Then, you assign a value 10 to the a. Since a is a mutable reference of x, this re-assignment is allowed. The line of code is equivalent to re-assigning the value 10 to x. The new value 00001010 (binary representation of the integer 10) is then stored into the memory location of x at address 16b6a8fb0. Now the updated illustration of the memory goes as follows.

Value   │         │         │ 00001010│         │         │         │
Address │16b6a8fae│16b6a8faf│16b6a8fb0│16b6a8fb1│16b6a8fb2│16b6a8fb3│

                             x (Int8)

Mojo Miji